Thursday, September 3, 2020

Principles of Instructional Design Essay Example for Free

Standards of Instructional Design Essay Customer †The customer is an organization known as Delta Computers, which produces PCs and peripherals. This is a moderate sized 20-year-old organization with 2,000 representatives around the world. It has yearly deals of $90 million. Its business power is 400 in number. Of these around 100 are senior project leads and chiefs, and the staying 300 are the cutting edge deals power comprising of deals executives.â The business officials make deals calls, both face to face and by phone, to different organizations to sell the company’s items. Information Collection †The initial phase in the making of the e-adapting course is to gather all the data that is required to make a compelling e-adapting course. There are different information assortment strategies, for example, talking with, polls, center gathering surveys, perception, Internet, and libraries. The Instructional Designer (ID) can direct a meeting with the Senior Sales Managers of Delta Computers to get data about different deals methods, which they need their representatives to learn and which are applicable to their business. They can likewise assemble data from openly accessible sources on the Internet and libraries, and furthermore existing substance about deals procedures that the organization may have, made by their recent and present project supervisors. They can likewise send a poll to the Senior Sales Managers looking for the accompanying data that would be required for making the course. 1. Who is the crowd for this course? (Supervisors, Sales Executives, Directors, Engineers, Administrative representatives, Sales Managers) 2. What is the age gathering of the students? 3. What are the capabilities of the students of this course? (Secondary School, Graduate, Engineering Graduate, Management Graduate) 3. What is the methods by which the students will get to this course? (Home PC, office PC, Internet, CD) 4. What is the objective of the course or what reason does the course try to achieve? 5. What is the current information that the students have about this point? (Amateurs, specialists, capable) 6. Is the objective you try to achieve through this course quantifiable, if so what are the amounts? 7. What number of individuals will get to this course every month? 8. What amount time can the students dedicate to this course every week? 9. OK like the exhibition of the students to be scored toward the finish of the course? 10. Normally, the passing score of a student is 80%. What might you like the passing score of the student to be? 11. OK need the student to experience the total course again on the off chance that the individual fizzles, or would you like them to experience just the part in which they have flopped once more? 12. What is the degree of specialized information on the students, for example do they realize how to work PCs, email, Internet? (Apprentice, master, capable) 13. Inside what term would you like the student to finish the course? 14. OK need greater intuitiveness, reenactments, designs, and fun component in the course or would you need the course to be authentic and direct with negligible illustrations and fun component? 15. Do you have any current material on deals strategies which you might want us to join in the course? Examination †After the necessary data has been gathered, the investigation for the e-adapting course would be finished. The investigation would include: 1. Adapting needs examination, 2. Objectives of the course. 3. Learning hole. 4. Crowd examination. 5. Essentials obviously. 6. Learning condition. 7. Passing standards. 8. Goals of the course. A point by point investigation and configuration report is made, which is then sent to the customer for endorsement. After the customer gives their endorsement on the report, the storyboarding for the e-adapting course is begun. Adapting needs examination †After meetings with the ranking directors and from the data gained through the survey, the adapting needs are resolved. The ranking directors of Delta Computers express that the vast majority of their business administrators who make clients calls either through phone or by and by originate from fluctuated foundations. The current data about deals procedures that they have is increased through the Powerpoint introductions made by the past and present deals and advertising directors of the organization for inside preparing purposes. At the point when another business representative goes along with, the person in question is approached to peruse these introductions. The data in these introductions, which number around 20, is old and furthermore there is no assessment toward the finish of the introductions. The data is sorted out randomly and there are next to no designs and intelligence. The data is additionally obsolete. Learning objectives †After understanding the current degree of information, the ID gets data about the objectives of the course. For this situation, Delta Computers needs their business administrators who really make client calls to gain proficiency with the most recent deals procedures so they can close a lot more arrangements effectively. Learning hole examination †The ID at that point chalks out in detail what is the hole between the learning objectives and the current degree of learning. The ID can comprehend that the current data about deals procedures is for the most part what the Senior Sales Managers had put down casually on introductions. The data is randomly organized, obsolete, fragmented, and uninterestingly introduced. The ID proposes to get data on most recent deals strategies by meeting the Senior Sales Managers and Sales Directors of the organization and other outside deals specialists, and through books, diaries, and Internet articles. Crowd Analysis †After the learning hole investigation, the crowd for the course is dissected. From the data acquired from the responses to the survey submitted to Delta Computers, the ID can comprehend the profile of the student of this course. The students who will experience this course are guys and females having a place with the age gathering of 24 to 55 years. They are generally graduates in different controls, including expressions, sciences, and the board. About 5% of them are building graduates in different orders and 10% have gotten the executives degrees in deals and advertising. They are all PC and Internet adroit and 10% of them have their own workstations. Requirements of the course †The ID figures certain essentials for undertaking the course. The students should all have essential information on PCs, Internet, and English language. They ought to likewise have sufficient information about the different items in the arrangement of Delta Computers and the highlights and advantages of the items. Learning condition †The students will embrace the course through the company’s Learning Management System (LMS). This will be an online course and every student will be given a login ID to sign in to the LMS. The equipment prerequisites would be least Pentium IV setup, 2.40 GHz, and 256 MB RAM with broadband Internet. Passing standards †The student should score at least 80% in the evaluation to pass the course. On the off chance that they can't do as such, they should embrace the course once more. Terminal destinations †The following stage is to isolate the course content into modules and subjects and to figure the terminal goals for every module of the course. The name of the course is â€Å"Sales Techniques to Make Effective Sales.† The five degrees of Bloom’s scientific classification are information, cognizance, application, examination, amalgamation, and assessment. The five learning types as per Gagne are verbal data, scholarly abilities, psychological systems, engine aptitudes, and perspectives.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cyanide Poisoning From Apples, Peaches, Cherries

Cyanide Poisoning From Apples, Peaches, Cherries The climate is pleasant, so I was out taking a gander at trees and bushes to add to my nursery. I saw the labels on trees from the Prunus family (fruits, peaches, plums, apricots, almonds) conveyed the admonition that the leaves and different pieces of the plant can be harmful whenever ingested. That is valid for different individuals from the rose family too (huge family which incorporates roses, yet additionally apples and pears). The plants produce cyanogenic glycosides which can prompt cyanide harming in individuals and creatures if enough of the compound is ingested. A few leaves and wood contain generally elevated levels of the cyanogenic mixes. Seeds and pits from these plants likewise contain the mixes, however you have to bite a few of the seeds to get a hazardous presentation. (This Letter to the Editor of American Family Physician refers to references for fatalities from apple seeds and apricot parts, notwithstanding different plants.) If you swallow the odd seed or two, d ont be concerned. Your body is well-prepared to detoxify low portions of cyanide. Notwithstanding, counsel poison control on the off chance that you presume your youngster or pet (or livestock) has eaten a few seeds. On the off chance that youre out outdoors and need sticks for cooking sausages and marshmallows, abstain from utilizing twigs from these plants.Apple Seeds Cherry Pits Are Poisonous | Drugs from PlantsPhoto: Darren Hester

Friday, August 21, 2020

How important has Hollywood been in influencing Chinese filmmaking Dissertation

How significant has Hollywood been in impacting Chinese filmmaking since the 1980s - Dissertation Example The filmmaking business is fit as a fiddle. In view of global incomes from films, filmmaking is commonly a profoundly gainful exchange. In the present time of globalization, the effect of the filmmaking business has likewise crossed outskirts, with Hollywood movies affecting the universal film industry and neighborhood filmmaking ventures like China and India additionally affecting on the Hollywood filmmaking industry. Because of the corresponding interest which has developed on filmmaking in various nations, explicit impacts have likewise risen on how movies are made by and large. In the previous 50 years, the Chinese film industry has affected Hollywood filmmaking, regarding plot lines just as activity successions. In the previous hardly any decades be that as it may, the Hollywood film industry has taken a turn in affecting and affecting on the Chinese filmmaking industry. ... Hollywood impact/sway on Chinese film industry The noteworthy innovative advancement which the western world has brought into media outlets affected fundamentally on China (Zhu, 2003). The broad utilization of TVs in Chinese homes caused a much progressively critical interest for such innovation (Zhu, 2003). Studios additionally observed the need to put resources into TV programs, including dramas. The market for TV ads additionally developed with expanding co-creation forms made with different financial specialists. As the 1990s attracted to a nearby, the Chinese film industry turned out to be progressively broadened. The fifth and 6th era movie producers were increasingly occupied with financing creations which could be discharged in the worldwide setting (Zhang, 1999). The legislature likewise kept on putting resources into fundamental tune films. The Chinese producers additionally found a market in lower spending films, for the most part in comedies and sentiments. Network shows likewise observed an emotional ascent in TV arrangement creations, enhancing the choices of producers not simply in significant endeavor films (Zhang, 1999). Progressively sensational changes likewise developed with the passage of China to the World Trade Organization. Its participation into the WTO and its progressively open market, China has tried to welcome more watchers into the cinemas with its element Chinese movies and Hollywood creations (Wheeler, 2012). About 70% of movies appeared in China are from Hollywood, making them a critical supporter of China’s true to life industry. Hollywood effect on China has likewise been evident regarding the weight it has forced on the Chinese movie producers, for the most part as far as creating blockbusters which can enough contend with Hollywood movies (Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance, 2004). The film by

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How to Write an Essay in a Night

Writing an essay can be a daunting task especially when you have limited time. While it is recommendable to avoid last minute rush to write your essay, chances are that there are cases when you are required to do your essay in a night. Did you ever find yourself in such a circumstance and not aware of what to do? This article will provide you with important tips on how to write an essay in a night and still be able to meet your instructor’s expectations and instructions. â€Å"I have to write an essay due tomorrow† is a common phrase for most students who like to work during the last minutes. Are you in this category? You need to have the right skills for fast essay writing. Continue reading this article to the end and we will show you all that you need to write a flawless essay in a night. Here are a few hints to help you get started: Plan your time Effective time management is an important element when it comes to writing essays quickly. This is attributable to the fact that when you are required to write an essay in a night, the chances are that there is no enough time to write the essay after and hence, you are required to plan the twelve hours of the night well to ensure that you write your essay and be able to meet the instructor’s requirements. How then do you manage your time well in such a short period? First, you need to understand your take-off point; where are you at and how much time is remaining? How many words are you required to write? Secondly, understand your writing speed; how many words can you write in an hour? Getting the answers to these questions will not only help you manage your time but also give you insights into how to write an essay fast. Next, ensure that you avoid any disruptions that can affect your writing speed such as visiting social media sites while still writing. After you have collected all the materials and information that you need for the essay, ensure that you disconnect your data and concentrate on your essay. Set the target regarding the number of words that you will write in maybe an hour. Choose a manageable topic The topic that you choose to write about determines how fast you can write the given essay. In most of the cases, you will find that topics that interest you will be easy to write. Take a few minutes to brainstorm on the topic that you will write about in case you instructor has not chosen one for you. It is important to ensure that the topic that you settle on is connected to current issues within your field of study as this will not only give you enough information to present but you will be in a position to deal with an area of concern to a wide audience implying that your essay will be of high significance. Make a few notes as you continue brainstorming as these will help you during the actual essay writing process. Do thorough research Once you have chosen the topic that you will write about, next you need to come up with credible information to back up your arguments. Carrying out a thorough research will help you write a high-quality paper within a short time. Make short notes during your research to guide you in authenticating any arguments that you include in the essay. There are various areas where you can search for the right information about your chosen topic such as from the school library or even online databases. Outline An essay outlines to the roadmap that you follow in the course of writing your essay. Having a comprehensive outline will help you ensure that you tackle all the necessary aspects of your essay topic. Take about five minutes to prepare the outline for your essay. In this section, highlight the main headings for each element of your essay starting with the introduction, body and the conclusion. Here is an example of an outline that you can reorganize according to the requirements and scope of your essay: INTRODUCTION General introduction Specific introduction Thesis statement BODY Paragraph 1 (highlight the first main argument of your essay followed by supporting ideas such as examples) Paragraph 2 (highlight the second main argument of your essay followed by supporting ideas such as examples) Paragraph 3 (highlight the third main argument of your essay followed by supporting ideas such as examples) CONCLUSION Restate your thesis statement Summarize main points Call to action Format your paper You need to be aware of the basic guidelines and rules when formatting any essay. To ensure that you meet your instructor’s requirements, you need to know the various formatting styles such as MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago, among many others. Often, you will notice that different formatting styles will have diverse requirements regarding the format of your paper. Consult with your instructor to know which style to use, as this will guide you on other formatting aspects such as font size. Regardless of the format given, ensure that the font size and font face you adopt is easily readable. Most of the writers tend to uses New Times Romans and font 12. Thus, be free to use these in case your instructor has not given you specific font face. However, where you are required to follow a particular formatting style, such as APA, ensure that you follow the rules of formatting an essay in APA style such as in-text citation, headings, page margins, and references. Write thesis statement A thesis statement can defined as a sentence or a number of sentences that highlights the scope of any given essay. According to this definition, you should develop your thesis statement based on the topic of choice for your essay. It is advisable to understand that a thesis statement provides the limits and boundaries for your essay; a broad thesis statement opens up to a wide range of ideas to cover when writing your paper while a narrow thesis statement is strict in terms of scope. Whether your thesis statement is broad or narrow will be determined by your topic. Conclusion The conclusion section of your essay is very important as it gives the readers an overview of your arguments in a summary form. You need to restate your thesis here to remind your audience about the scope of your essay. Next, summarize your argument based on the main points that you have covered in the body of your paper. However, it is important to ensure that you do not include new ideas in your conclusion; stick to ideas that you have covered in the body of your essay. Lastly, provide a call to action where you show the implications of your essay and the issues that you have addressed in the essay. Proofread Proofreading refers to the process of revising your essay after writing to identify and remove and grammar mistakes. Take a few minutes after you have completed writing the entire essay to revise it. Check, whether or not you have followed all the instructions; have you formatted your essay as required? Did you cover all the elements in your outline? Did you structure your sentences well, without grammar errors?

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Impact of Slavery in America - 1364 Words

Slavery was a tragic experience for African slaves that last for many years; although it has passed it will always be part of history. Slavery meant many things to many people, but overall the ones that can better explain this are the slaves themselves through their voice and their history; slavery impact families, traditional roles of mothers, children, and fathers. Furthermore, slavery demonstrated agency and resistance to their enslavement; passive or aggressive. Primarily, it can be difficult to understand the life of the slaves without a full description of what they where categories as. One example that identified the meaning of slaves was In Hubers essay: â€Å"As slaves were forbidden to speak their own languages or practice their own religions, they began to mix their native cultures with the European and Native American cultures that existed in America, and, through the English language, they found new ways of entertaining, educating, and expressing themselves.†(1 Hu ber) Slaves had no other chose that to conform to the life that they were part of and a result they combined their culture with the one of their masters. It gives an understanding of way they coped with the hardships they have encounter, forms to make their life a little lest tragic. Other forms of slavery was to dehumanizing slaves like in the journal of Thomas Phillips: â€Å" Then we mark’d the slaves we had bought in the breast, or shoulder, with a hot iron, having the letter of the ship’s name on it†¦ theShow MoreRelatedSlavery And Its Impact On America1353 Words   |  6 Pages Slavery in America had a tight hold over the southern half. It was primarily located in the southern portion and African American slaves were held on large plantations and out in the fields. Some were even leased into the industrializing factories. Ever since slavery in America started, slaves were considered property. Every black person was a white persons â€Å"property†. Now American had a belief, a belief that every man were entitled to God-given rights. The rights could not be stripped fromRead MoreSlavery And Its Impact On America1541 Words   |  7 Pagescontroversial issue: the institution of slavery. It was initially intended by our founding fathers that slavery be slowly phased out, as even in 1775 our budding nation’s leaders had the common sense and moral compass to see that slavery is wrong. Even the proponents of slavery, then, knew that slavery is unethical and amoral, and viewed slavery as a necessary evil, for the South had no other means of creating capital; however, slavery continues because many proponents of slavery have been so overcome with avariceRead MoreSlavery Made A Huge Impact On America s History991 Words   |  4 PagesSlavery made a huge impact on America’s history. It has been exactly 150 years since Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery. Before that, life for any slave, man or woman, was extremely rough. They tried their best to make life easy for themselves. Some became fed up with their treatment so they overtly and covertly rebelled. Overt being the open and more dangerous of the two. Covert rebellions were more of snide comments towards their master. The life and rebellions of slaves were extremely difficultRead More1. What was the impact of slavery on the development of Colonial America? Slavery was a practice in1300 Words   |  6 Pages 1. What was the impact of slavery on the development of Colonial America? Slavery was a practice in many countries in the 17th and 18th centuries, but modern history was unique to the United States. The most noticeable effect that it had on the colonies was personal and financial growth of the people and the nation. Africans was the lesser class and they were used by the slave owners to promote their wealth and stature. The larger their plantation, the wealthier and more successful people were seenRead MoreSlavery s Impact On America s Economic And Social Life984 Words   |  4 PagesJustin Mariasi 11/21/14 Mrs. Sparks US History Slavery s impact on America’s economic and social life Slavery in the United States was at the same time both economically beneficial to southern planters and unsustainable due to the industrial revolution and the reliance upon single cash crops. In this document I will explain what forms of slave resistance existed in American society, how and why slavery was beneficial to the United States, how the slaves in the United States were treated and howRead MoreHow Did African American Slavery Help Shape America?925 Words   |  4 PagesHow did African American slavery help shape America? The United States of America has historical events that underlie the primary example of a country which overcomes every adversity with courage and commitment. Several pieces of history can obviously emphasize the strength of those who inhabited this nation and shaped it into what it is today; one of which is the era of slavery. Slavery is a topic that is often rejected during the mentioning of historical events in America primarily due to the factRead MoreEli Whitney : The Inventor Of The Cotton Gin1639 Words   |  7 Pagesseparation would require a hundred workmen for several months† (Piercy, 95). In 1794, Whitney got a patent for his cotton gin and began renting out the gins (Piercy, 96). This invention would greatly impact American technological and economic development for the years to come. The cotton gin made a huge impact on the textile mills in the North as well as in Britain. (Gates Jr, par. 7). After the invention of the cotton gin and as cotton production increased, the North bought more cotton and built moreRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln1728 Words   |  7 Pagesdedicated individuals†. Slavery was a struggle that America had to overcome in the 1800s in order for America to progress. At the time, slaves were also going through hard times by getting separated from their families and going through excessive hard work on the plantations. Even though it was a struggle for the north, and the slaves, but not for the south since it was a benefit for them. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was put into the Presidential office and would have a major impact on our nation by affectingRead MoreLincoln, Race, And The Spirit Of The 761247 Words   |  5 PagesPresident Abraham Lincoln was put into office March 4, 1861, and this would be the start of a significant change for America. Many people see Lincoln as one of the best presidents that was in office for America, but others have opposing views on how he was not the best president in office. In Lucas E. Morel’s, â€Å"Lincoln, Race, and the Spirit of ‘76†, he expresses, â€Å"Many people who consider Abraham Lincoln the greatest American president would be surprised to discover that he endorsed black colonizationsRead MoreSlavery And Its Impact On The United States986 Words   |  4 PagesSlavery dates back to as early as 1760 BC. It is defined as the condition of a slave; in bondage. A slave is a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another; a bond servant. It fiendishly raised its repugnant head amongst many cultures and nations around the world. Many people viewed slavery as immoral and some viewed it as a necessary evil. However evil, it may have been, it did have a tremendous impact on shaping the United States, particularly the South. From the period o f 1800 to

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prison Education Project ( Pep ) - 928 Words

Prison Education Project (PEP) was created by Dr. Renford Reese in 2011 to provide currently incarcerated inmates with an opportunity to be reeducated and properly equipped to return back to society. Yet an important question is raised as to why such a program was needed in the first place. It is no surprise that California demonstrated a failed and poor criminal justice system. According to E. Ann Carson and Daniela Golinelli, California incarcerated more adults in prison than any other state in the U.S. prisons in the state were ridiculous crowed. Many reports indicated that the state failed to supervise parolee’s effectively; a 2003 report found that 70 percent of the state’s parole population returned to prison within 18 months of release, which was calculated to cost the state nearly $1 billion per year (Little Hoover Commission, 2003). According to the 2013 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) report, males had a 62.4 percent recidivism r ate, which was 13.5 percentage points greater than those of females. Younger felons had the highest recidivate rate and inmates released at the age of 24 or younger returned to prison at a rate of 67.2 percent. Recidivism rates were highest among Native Americans/Alaska Natives (69.9 percent), Black/African Americans (66.1 percent), and Whites (64.0 percent) (CDCR, 2013). It is no surprise that even after two years since the United States Supreme Court decision the California Department of Corrections andShow MoreRelatedHigh Education And Vocational Programs2139 Words   |  9 PagesMost convicted inmates typically don’t have any high education achievements prior to their convictions. In prison, inmates are revoked the opportunities such as work, education and social contact from the outside world. They chose this path by the actions they took to get them in a correctional facility. Prisons do offer education and vocational programs to rehabilitate them while incarcerated. B ack when the U.S penitentiaries were formed, education and work have been big components in the inmate’sRead MoreRaising Achievement of Ethnic Minority Children3671 Words   |  15 Pagesethnic minority pupils may fall into the category of low class low achievement. (Battle and Lewis 2010 pg35) said â€Å"a person’s education is closed linked to their life chances, income and wellbeing† it’s therefore, fair to say that ethnic minority communities are most likely to underachievement than others because of their socio-economic conditions. Language in education has long been the subject of attention by educationists at all levels. Initially as concerning the problem of teaching EnglishRead MoreFun with Literature10373 Words   |  42 Pagesvisuals) of Quitters Inc. (I did the layout, images, and formatting, but the story itself is provided byï ¬ ction/Fiction/Horror/735.html) †¢ Extended activities: research (both large small) projects that can be used to collaborate with other departments (such as physical education/health and history/social studies) †¢ Answer Key to handouts Thank you for your purchase! If you view Stephen King’s AE Biography, I have a Video Guide with Quiz: MoreBusiness in Singapore30736 Words   |  123 Pagesliteracy rate is one of the highest at 96.3% in 2009 and 65% of residents use a computer. Singapore has a world class education system with top universities and polytechnics producing highly skilled graduates. There are also many foreign universities and private institutions which have set up in Singapore and have been expanding their intake over the years, making tertiary education more accessible and allowing working adults to pursue post-graduate and upgrading courses. Expatriates and foreign workersRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesAcquisitions Editor: Kim Norbuta Editorial Project Manager: Claudia Fernandes Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Marketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Senior Marketing Assistant: Ian Gold Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Senior Production Project Manager: Kelly Warsak Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Ilene Kahn Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Interior Design: Suzanne Duda and Michael Fruhbeis Permissions Project Manager: Shannon Barbe Manager, Cover VisualRead MoreFrom Salvation to Self-Realization18515 Words   |  75 Pagesplaces, the quest for health had occurred 2 within larger communal, ethical, or religious frameworks of meaning. By the late nineteenth century those frameworks were eroding. The quest for health was becoming an entirely secular and self-referential project, rooted in peculiarly modern emotional needs above all the need to renew a sense of selfhood that had grown fragmented, diffuse, and somehow unreal The coming of the therapeutic ethos was a modern historical development, shaped by the turmoil ofRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesSingapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services: Ashley Santora Acquisitions Editor: Brian Mickelson Editorial Project Manager: Sarah Holle Editorial Assistant: Ashlee Bradbury VP Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Senior Marketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Production Project Manager: Becca Groves Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Cathleen Petersen Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik ArtRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesEnvironment 312 Learning Outcomes 312 Introduction 314 The Occupational Safety and Health Act 314 OSHA Inspection Priorities 314 OSHA Record-Keeping Requirements 316 OSHA Punitive Actions 317 OSHA: A Resource for Employers 320 Areas of Emphasis 320 Education and Training 320 Assisting Employers in Developing a Safer Workplace 323 Management Commitment and Employee Involvement 323 Worksite Analysis 323 Hazard Prevention and Control 324 Retirement Benefits 297 WORKPLACE ISSUES: Flying High No More:Read MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words   |  604 Pageson other diverse groups of employees. So that all employees were given opportunities to grow and learn, the Bank of Montreal’s Institute of Learning was established at a cost exceeding $50 million. The goal of providing five days of training and education to every employee each year has been met for several years. To focus on performance, each department and every employee have HR managers participate in developing strategies and ensure that human resource dimensions are considered. almost 18%Read MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pagesbeing one of the select few to be admitted to Stanford’s elite Ph.D program. In those early days, these sons of esteemed professors were focused on pursuing their Ph.Ds, not on getting rich. â€Å"In their families, nothing trumped the value of a great education. Neither of them had the slightest idea just how soon their heartfelt commitment to academia would be tested.†2 The Beginning In the mid-1990s, the Internet was just emerging. Millions of people were logging on and communicating through email

Full Case Study on Oil and Gas Retail Industry

Question: 1. Critically discuss the implications of recent trends and changes within the supply chain of the UK petroleum retail market. 2. Demonstrate the ability to analyse the factors Affecting the present size and structure of the current oil and gas retail sectors and impact of the rising price of oil 3. Evaluate the potential of technological change on energy retailing industry in the next decade. Answer: Introduction The production of oil and gas in United Kingdom influences the production of oil and gas in the European Union. The policies of European Union aim at securing and providing efficient energy to their citizens and to their business (Candelise et al. 2013). The increase in price in the oil and gas retail sector is a major concern for the European Union. The significant difference in the price of oil and gas between United States and European Union had triggered a political discussion. In 2014, United Kingdom had produced 1.42 millionbarrel of oil equivalent, which consists of 59% of oil. In 2013, United Kingdom produced about 1.508 million barrel of oil equivalent. Recent rise in price of oil and gas in United Kingdom had created a major concern for the country and European Union. Increase in competitors and introduction of various kinds of fuels had triggered a concern in the oil and gas business. The oil and gas sector provides job to many people across United Kingdom. Increase in price in oil and gas sector would reduce the profit margin of the country, which would affect the job employees. This could also bring back the recession in the country and it has become a concern for the country. The assignment aims at finding and analysing the factors that had influenced the oil price in the United Kingdom over the recent years. The effect of the change in technology in this energy retail sector in the next decades would also be analysed in the assignment. Thus, a critical discussion would be made on the current trend of the supply chain management of United States and the changes that take place in the recent years (Baumeister and Peersman 2013). Methodology This portion of the assignment gives a clear idea about the petroleum retail market in United Kingdom, its size, structure, its trend and the effect of technology in this retail market in the upcoming years. 1. The factors Affecting the present size and structure of the current oil and gas retail sectors and impact of the rising price of oil Various factors affect the present size and structure of the current oil and gas retail sectors. The main factors that affect the size of this retail market are the domestic refineries, import terminals, primary infrastructure of distribution of oil and energy, infrastructure to distribute the oil and energy in various regions and the infrastructure to distribute oil and energy in secondary regions, which includes tankers to distribute it (Chesnes 2015). The PFS retailers through whom the common people reach to the fuels and energies and the vehicle tanks that stores fuels after purchasing it from PFS also effects the size of the oil and gas retail market. The United Kingdom downstream oil sector companies consist more than 200 companies. These companies are involved in the refining, distributing and marketing of the oil and petroleum products. The market of oil and petroleum is split into two major sections (Davenport 2013). One is for the commercial purpose that includes power gene rators, agricultural uses, transportation, industrial purpose, independent fuel distributors and various Governmental sectors. The other one is for the retail market, which provides fuel from the filling stations. There was a huge decrease in the size of the oil and petroleum retail market. In the past 26 years, the number of filling stations had decreased from 19000 in 1990 to 8494 in 2015. The factors that effected this change in the market of United Kingdom mainly included the entry of various super market groups into the business of oil and petroleum (Hawken et al. 2013). Various out-of-town stores and filling stations have developed over the years. These new developments have captured 44% of the market of fuels in 2015, which was only 11% at the time of 1990. This huge increase in the market capture had led to decrease in size and structure of the current oil and gas industry. These new out-of-town stores and filling stations had made the fuel business a high volume and low margin business. They have also increased the competition among the retailers and supermarkets and have squeezed the margins of the business. The decrease in margin of profit in the oil and gas sector was the result of increase in price of oil and gas in United Kingdom. The introduction of new out of town stores and filling stations had also led to the increase in price of the fuels. The operators had also tried to plan and direct the rising price in oil and gas and the sharp competition the business. The rise in price of oil and gas had resulted in increase in fare of transportation, as there was an increase in the fuel cost of the transports. There was a downfall in the economic activity of United Kingdom (Fernie et al. 2015). The price of fuel also increased with time. Both these activities had resulted in checking the sale of oil and gas, which had further affected the margin of profit in the business. The impact of rising of oil price had reduced the sale of the oil and gas, which also affected the economy of the country. 2. The potential of technological change on energy retailing industry in the next decade Introduction of technology in every industry is a modern approach to the business. Advancement in technology helps to do the work easily and efficiently. Similarly, introduction of modern technology in oil and gas retail market had helped in productivity of oil and gas. In the context of next decade, the demand for oil and gas would increase more than todays world (Lappo et al. 2013). Constant increase in population would lead to the use of more of natural resources. In the next decade, the manufacturing of oil and gas will be on high demand. The national infrastructure requires upgraded technology and new infrastructure to meet these increased demands on oil and gas. Though there are new technologies being introduced as a substitute to the oil and gas, the uses of oil and gas cannot be completely replaced by different kinds of fuels. In the next decade, other challenges like cutting down the emission of greenhouse gases, competing with the other source of energy like battery driven vehicles and craze for renewable energy resources (Miklian and Andersen 2014). These source of energy are cheap and eco friendly. The consumer will prefer them to oil and gas. Introduction of new technologies on the energy retail sector would help in speeding up the production of oil and gas. Using of high technology in the production would help in cutting down the work force of the industry. The technology would reduce the work pressure of the workers and they can manufacture more products with the help of technology. The high technological instruments are usually software coded. These softwares will make the work of the instruments easier. Introducing different types of software coded in an instrument would make it a multipurpose instrument (Ochieng et al. 2014). With the help of one instrument, various types of works can be done. The software coded instrument would help to produce more oil and gas and. These instruments can also reach to those places where it was not easy to access earlier. Thus, the new technology would help to produce more oil and gas and this would help to meet the increasing demands of oil and gas. Introduction of new technology would also help to reduce the competition and increase the profit margin in the next decade. Increasing technology would reduce the work force. The oil companies do not have to keep huge number of labours to transport oil and gas from one place to another. Softwares and technologies would help to transport oil and gas from one place to another without manual effort (Robins 2014). This would help to save the time of transporting oil and gas. Customers can easily access to the oil and gas and they can easily fulfil their demands of oil and gas. Technological development would lead to smart infrastructure and this would help to flourish the business in a efficient way. Thus, introduction of modern technology in the oil and gas sector would help to meet the primary energy needs in the next decade that would be increasing in the next decade. They would also help to increase the profit margin of the business and help in the transportation of fuels efficiently than before (Usman et al. 2015). 3. Critical discussion of the implications of recent trends and changes within the supply chain of the UK petroleum retail market Oil and gas retail sector have a great influence on the price of other commodities in the market. Increase in the oil and gas price would result in increase in the price of basic commodities in the market. This would result in inflation in the market and it would affect the economy of United Kingdom. United Kingdom had faced a recession in the recent years. The increase in price of the basic commodities may again lead United Kingdom to recession. United Kingdom draws out the natural resources mainly from the North Sea are. This area provides United Kingdom with 70% of their required natural resources. The natural resources from this area are of high quality and of low sulphur content. However, these natural resources are depleting at an alarming rate. Steps must be taken to preserve these natural resources so that the natural resources are available in the next decade (Solaymani et al. 2015). United Kingdom experienced a strong economic growth in the late 90s and early 00. However, the margins in the oil and gas retail industry continued to fall. Due to various environmental and energy policies, the rate of returns remained below the average of 8%. The recession in 2008 had increased the VAT on the oil and gas prices. It had also increased the volatile crude price and motor fuel taxation. The oil and gas industry supports more than 150000 workers of United Kingdom and this industry provides 85% of the primary energy resource to United Kingdom (Vogel 2014). The oil and gas sector o United Kingdom is considered a competitive market. The projected average net cash margins in long terms for the refineries at United Kingdom is about $ 2.6 per barrel. The turnaround cost and depreciation per barrel was around $0.86. This had resulted in a margin of $1.86 per barrel. The refineries whose margin level is such, is defined as the core refining capacity by PGI. This is the capacity required to maintain the global supply and demand balance (Solaymani et al. 2015). The oil and gas industries would require investing a sum of 1.5 to 2.3 billion in the next 20 years to keep a pace with this supply and demand balance. It is predicted that the capital expenditure and the operating cost would increase in United Kingdom and European Union in the upcoming years. By 2020, the sum of such legislative items would be around $ 2.5 per barrel out of which only $ 1.3 per barrel will be passed to the customers (Waters and Rinsler 2014). The expected expenditure during this period is estimated to be around 5.5 billion and this investment would not produce any effective return. From the time of 2013 to 2030, the oil and gas industry of United Kingdom would expect an return on investing about 4.1% (Wood and McCarthy 2014). If they apply a simple discount rate of 3.5%, then this ROACE would fall to 3.2% and if the industries of United Kingdom apply a discount rate of 10%, then the ROACE would fall to 2.2%. Such a low return rate in the near future would not fetch the adequate return to run the business. This would eventually hamper the flow of the business. The oil and gas refineries in United Kingdom would have to shut down their business voluntarily and this would affect the economy of United Kingdom in the near future. Moreover, closure of the oil and gas refineries in United Kingdom would result to expose United Kingdom to the market of international refined product and expose those products produced by United Kingdom that are already at high risk according to the standards of IEA methodology. Thus, the supply chain management of the United Kingdom in the oil and gas retail sector (Zhu et al. 2016). Conclusion The gas and oil retail market in United Kingdom is a huge business. This business was huge in size and had an enormous structure in the business field. The introduction of different kinds of energy resources such as eco friendly resources, renewable energy resources had led to the downfall of the oil and gas industry. Various out of town stores and filling stations had hampered the business of this oil and gas in United Kingdom. Introduction of new technologies and softwares would help in the production and manufacturing of oil and gas products in near future. This would help to gain the margin of profit in the business and would help in surviving the completion in the business world in near future. The supply and demand chain of oil and gas in United Kingdom would be balanced if there were new technologies introduced for operations. Thus, this sector needs urgent attention to compete in the near future. References Baumeister, C. and Peersman, G., 2013. The role of time varying price elasticities in accounting for volatility changes in the crude oil market.Journal of Applied Econometrics,28(7), pp.1087-1109. 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