Monday, December 30, 2019

John Kinsey And The Sun Being Centered, Not The Earth

With new ideas comes great debate. Through all great ideas time is necessarily for those ideas to be accepted for example, Aristotle. Aristotle and the sun being centered, not the earth. During the 1950’s sex was being seen as taboo but in fact it is that of biological order. During Kinsey experiments and throughout the film we can see that sex was depicted as a more improper against common beliefs and practices. As well as, not giving much effort however it can be justified that Kinsey observations led to the activists of 70s and the generation of the baby boomers. Kinsey’s rise was slow and steady. Mostly due to his diligent work on a topic that almost seemed forbidden to talk about at the time. A concept that was once attributed for just married couples. Many people at the time believed that sex was only for wedded couples, leaving no room for objection. People of the time scoffed at ideas such as premarital sex, homosexuality and other sexuality that appeared pecu liar. Kinsey changed American culture and a created a media frenzy when he released his first work, â€Å"Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.† Which he then went on several interviews, discussions and panels to discuss sex. Kinsey was a Harvard-educated zoologist who enjoyed studying gull wasps it was not until he met his spunky yet witty wife, Clara â€Å"Mac† McMillen that he became interested in the idea of sex. While teaching and experimenting he realized that there was science evidence behind sex and behavior. When

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Themes Of The American Dream In A Raisin In The Sun

A Raisin in the sun shows the hardship many need to face in order to attain this notion of the American Dream. The book did more than then just show what everyone faced, she shows the struggles that many African American families had to face when trying to achieve the notion of the American Dream. She does this by showing the environment that many African American lived in when there was bombing in the neighborhood or when white people would force African American who finally bought a home, out. Lorraine also shows the struggles of the characters of the book like Walter who struggles with the decision he makes and the contradictions that stop him from achieving his goals of being wealthy or when Beneatha goes against the norms of society†¦show more content†¦In the book A Raisin in the Sun that many White American did bombing within the neighborhood of African American to keep them scared and oppress. An example of this was when Ms. Johnson talk about how Walter’s fam ily is going to be in the paper because a bombing happens in their home. This show that many of the White American believe that every White American had to opportunity to accomplish this dream but not anyone of color. The reason this is significant since happens in African American neighborhoods bombing, or being forced out of homes within white neighborhoods happen caused the opportunities of many African American to minimal leaving them with little ways of becoming successful. These struggles are unique to African Americans. After the great migration that many African American families did to the north, the same thing of oppression happen but it was hidden. African Americans at this time want to be accepted in society rather than being an outcast, this is why the struggle of finding a sense of home was a way of being coming apart of the society. Yes, many Americans had Dreamed of owning a home but to African American having a home was more of having a place where they can be truly them. Yet when the African Americans finally accomplish this goal, it was halted by the society. An example of this is from the article White Rage by Carol Anderson who talks about when those whoShow MoreRelatedThemes Of The American Dream In A Raisin In The Sun709 Words   |  3 Pages‘A Raisin in the Sun’ is a story that focuses on an African American family in the late 1940’s that’s struggles through poverty and racism to find the American Dream. A life that should be better, fuller and richer for everyone with countless opportunities to each individual’s ability and achievement. A vision that appears to be too far to fully grasp, the Younger family struggles through life with the idea of the American Dream but come to terms that it means something a little bit different toRead MoreTheme Of Dreams In Harlem By Langston Hughes870 Words   |  4 PagesDreams are aspirations that people hope to achieve in their lifetime. They are a motive that drives lives to accomplish goals. When trying to achieve these goals, people can do anything. However, what happens when a dream is deferred? A dream cast aside can frustrate a person in the deepest way. It tends to permeate their thoughts and becomes an unshakable burden. In the poem â€Å"Harlem,† Langston Hughes, through literary technique, raises strong themes through a short amount of language Hughes is askingRead MoreTimeless Themes A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry1306 Words   |  6 PagesOne of the most n otable plays on the topic of racial minorities and family issues, A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry, has continued to be popular since it was written in 1959. The play is about an African American family, consisting of five members, who live in Southside Chicago during the post-World-War-Two era. The Younger family is crowded in a tiny, worn, and shabby apartment and they are fairly poor. They never have much surplus money until Walter’s father, and Mama’s husband, died andRead MoreEssay on Compare Contrast a Raisin in the Sun1026 Words   |  5 PagesCompare and Contrast A Raisin In The Sun Essay In the play, A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, and 1961 movie written by Lorraine Hansberry and presented by Columbia pictures, one of the most important themes is the American Dream. Many of the characters have hopes and dreams. They all strive towards their goals throughout. However, many of the characters have different dreams that clash with each other. Problems seem to arise when different people’s dreams conflict with one anotherRead MoreLorraine Hansberry s A Raisin1120 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"A raisin in the sun† was written by Lorraine Hansberry. The play was not expected to do so well because it had one white cast member, an inexperienced director, and an untried playwright. Set in the south side of Chicago in the 1950s, the play begins in the morning in the Youngers apartment. Their apartment has two bedrooms, one for mama and Beneatha, and one for Ruth and Walter, while Walter’s son Travis sleeps on the couch in the living room. R uth gets up first and talks and Walter and TravisRead MoreAnalysis Of Of Mice And Men 1687 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"all of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.† The concept of dreams and aspirations are what connects the two seemingly different Of Mice and Men and A Raisin in the Sun. Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck, portrays a story of two poor farm hands living in California, one of which is handicap. This pair, despite all efforts, fail to accomplish this dream, showing a very anti-american dream aspect of this novel. On the other hand, A Raisin in the Sun, written byRead MoreHarlem Renaissance Poets: Langston Hughes, Claude McKay, and Countee Cullen1065 Words   |  5 Pagesthe African American community. At the time many African Americans were treated as second class citizens. The Harlem Renaissance acted as artistic and cultural outlet for the African-American community. The Harlem Renaissance, otherwise known as â€Å"The Ne w Negro Movement† was an unexpected outburst of creative activity among African Americans In the poems Harlem by Langston Hughes, America by Claude McKay, and Incident by Countee Cullen all use frustration and hope as reoccurring themes to help empowerRead MoreLorraine Hansberrys A Raisin in the Sun1260 Words   |  6 Pagesinevitable, people still dream of catching a mirage. There is a fine line that separates those who are oblivious to this fact, and to those who are aware and accept this knowledge. The people who are oblivious represent those who are ignorant of the fact that their dream will be deferred. This denial is the core of the concept used in A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. The perception of the American Dream is one that is highly subjective, but every individual dream ends in its own defermentRead MoreA Raisin In The Sun American Dream Essay1669 Words   |  7 Pagesfree† and home of the â€Å"American Dream.† According to James Truslow Adams in Epic of America, the American Dream is defined as â€Å"that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.† It is based on the foundations of the Declaration of Independence: the rights to Liberty, Life, and the Pursuit of Happiness (Amadeo, What is the American Dream?). People have the right to pursue their dreams and acquire a betterRead MoreRacial Injustice in A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry and Sonny’s Blues, by James Baldwin1494 Words   |  6 Pageshave a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls. by Martin Luther King Jr, the dream that is still unfulfilled. White supremacy, black inferiority, Jim Crow law, segregation, racial terror, and racial inequality are the most common topics of American history. The quote of Martin Luther King Jr asserts the truth that racial injustice was in the vein of the American dream. He hopes someday that injustice, the view that African Americans are

Friday, December 13, 2019

Clothing in the Awakening Free Essays

Clothes appear to have significant meaning in The Awakening, enough so that they are mentioned at almost every description of the characters. Edna Pontellier starts the novel fully dressed and appropriately dressed for a woman of her responsibilities, however, at her final moment, she is naked on the beach. Other women in the story also represent their ‘position’ and the way they feel in the way they dress. We will write a custom essay sample on Clothing in the Awakening or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, Madmoiselle Reisz never changes her clothes. This could possibly symbolize her physical detachment from anything around her, including nature and any suppressed feelings. In contrast, Edna’s clothes represent her physical attachment to society. She sheds her clothes the way a snake sheds its skin when it is time for a new one and it does not fit into the old one any longer. Edna doesn’t feel like she can fit into society any longer. Madmoiselle Reisz, on the other hand, does not seem to have any desire to be more than what she has been given in the society in which she lives. Therefore, she does not change her clothes, because she does not feel the need for change in her life. Other characters, such as Madame Leburn always have new clothes to cover their bodies. This could, perhaps, represent the constant need to cover their sexuality as women in suppressed roles as wives and mothers. Ednas’ nakedness at the end of the novel symbolizes her freedom from any claims her children may have on her and shows how her lack of clothes is equal to her lack of ‘responsibility’, of her family and the 1890s’ society. Through the motif of clothes, Kate Chopin suggests that although society can be restricting, in order to have discipline, rules can be necessary. Can be destructive, lack of rules can lead to destruction of self. The symbol of clothing in the story shows the development of her freedom from the harsh rules of the Creole society. In the beginning of the novel, Edna is accustomed to wearing the same clothes as the Creoles. Throughout the story, she is found loosening her collar and trying to remove articles of clothing. After her awakening, Edna becomes restless and starts to neglect the rules placed upon her. As Edna progresses throughout the novel, she discards more and more layers of the confining clothing that surrounds her body and soul. By taking off her clothing, one piece at a time, she is disobeying the rules placed upon her, and in doing so, she exerts her independence. The clothing symbolizes the constraints on the social behavior of women in this era. It restricts Edna and doesn’t allow her body to move. At the beginning of the novel, Edna is fully dressed and in proper clothing. However, when Edna and Adele walk together on the beach, Edna wears less clothing In one example of rebellion, Edna begins to care less about her duties as a woman in a Victorian society and chooses to not wear what society expects of her. â€Å"Mrs. Ponteiller did not wear her usual Tuesday reception gown; she was in ordinary house gowns. † (59) The house gown are less elaborate and involve wearing less clothing than reception gowns, and to Edna, is more comfortable. Although those around her do not approve, she chooses to do what she feels and does this witho5ut hesitation or guilt. How to cite Clothing in the Awakening, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ppac free essay sample

Moral perfection is something to really strive for, as everyone has their faults Its also nearly impossible to obtain. I for one am only human, I have many faults, some of which have the potential to be fixed with some of the virtues Benjamin Franklin talked In the excerpt Moral Perfection out of his book The Autobiography. In this excerpt he talked about thirteen virtues that he thought made someone morally perfect.Of these thirteen the three that stuck out to me, for me to become morally perfect were: order, frugality, and tranquility. The virtue order means keeping every part of your life separate and keep everything running smoothly. One of my biggest faults Is always running late: In the mornings to school, the occasional tardy at work etc. Another large fault of mine is procrastinating homework until late which normally always ends up with not putting my full potential into every assignment. We will write a custom essay sample on Ppac or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As Benjamin Franklin made a schedule, following his method would help cut out some procrastination, and attain more order. Having the virtue Order is helpful in not being rushed, or exhausted. Lately, I have been having some trouble balancing my spending, and proportioning my money, so I think the virtue to best help me work on this is frugality. Frugality, meaning less is often more, is a virtue I should really become accustomed to, such as in the case of spending more on Junk food and having less to save.Remembering that less is more is something that can be applied to many different aspects of life, because of this frugality is a virtue to be cherished and practiced in our homes and daily lives My last fault is caring too much; Benjamin Franklins virtue for this was tranquility, or not sweating the small effects. This virtue is the hardest, for me, because I do care too much. I do care way more about what people think of me than I really should; making even the smallest gesture of a dirty look, or snotty remark send me Into a world of insecurity and worry.I let the little things stress me out, but in all honesty I shouldnt. Of the three I think this virtue would be the hardest for me to obtain, but is also the most necessary for me to. Obtaining tranquility would help make me a happier person, and more confident; two things I most desperately need. Everyone sweats unnecessary effects, but balancing what to concern you with, and what not to, Is really a virtue we should all practice. Moral perfection, Just the phrase Is abstract In Itself. Its something nearly Impossible to obtain, yet, It Is something we all In one way or another really strive for. We are only human, making mistake after mistake, Its Important to remind ourselves hat obtaining moral perfection Isnt about being perfect 100% of the time; but finding a healthy balance. Taking moral perfection more as balancing rather than perfecting we could find that moral perfection would be less abstract, and more mentally attainable. Pack By Moral perfection is something to really strive for, as everyone has their faults its talked in the excerpt Moral Perfection out of his book The Autobiography. In this everything running smoothly.One of my biggest faults is always running late: in the e into a world of insecurity and worry. I let the little things stress me out, but in all honesty I shouldnt. Of the three I think this virtue would be the hardest for me to what not to, is really a virtue we should all practice. Moral perfection, Just the phrase is abstract in itself. Its something nearly impossible to obtain, yet, it is something we all in one way or another really strive for. We are only human, making mistake after mistake, its important to remind ourselves that obtaining moral perfection isnt about being perfect 100% of the time.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Research Paper Trifles4 Essay Example

Research Paper Trifles4 Essay Silence Killing Susan Glaspell’s â€Å"Trifles†, Suzy Clarkson Holstein and Judith Kay Russell give almost the same aspect of the story, one of the stories talk about the play being â€Å"dramatic and deceptive† and the other of being â€Å"artsy and silence justice† which both represents the story uniquely the same; which I agree with both articles meaning. The story is one about a woman who felt like a prisoner in her own home. The story is a play that becomes one of the most fulfilling of a nineteenth century love and killing of the spirit. I will be talking about the other articles that I have found about â€Å"Trifles†. Susan Glaspell wrote the play â€Å"Trifles† which originated in the 1900’s that is about a woman who lost her spirit and who quietly killed her husband from taking her spirit away from living a outgoing life. The play is about a murder that happened at a farmhouse and there is the sheriff and their wives looking for evidence of her silent killing of her husband. The story is a true mastery that only the women that are her neighbors knew where to look for evidence of Mrs. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper Trifles4 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper Trifles4 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper Trifles4 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Write. Suzy Clarkson Holstein’s article is the â€Å"profound conflict between two models of perception and behavior† (282). The article gives a way of life of in the nineteenth-century of a woman’s actions and the men’s and moral choices of gender. It comes out to be a â€Å"power of silence† (283). It’s kind of a sexist kind of away, due to the fact the sheriff and officer was digging around in the garage, while the women were inside of the house, and found all of the evidence. This article gets in detail with the preserved fruits and the meaning of why there are all broken, just the thought of canning the fruit and preserving them. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peter are the sheriff and officers wife. While they dig around in Mrs. Write’s personal areas in the house, he find all of the evidence that Mrs. Write killed her husband.. They don’t show their husbands, they keep it silence also. They know how Mrs. Write feels, and why she did what she did.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Ghandhi essays

Ghandhi essays Gandhi Monads Karamchand Gandhi was born October 2 1969,to Probrick and Karamchand Gandhi who was the chief minister of in three Kathiawar State. His mother was very religious - she would fast for days. She believed in the Hindu religion, which is based on the books of Dharma. The Hindus have to live their religion not just do their religion. There is no founder of Hinduism while most religion have laws already set Hinduism doesnt. The main gods are Vishnu, Krishna, Brahma, Shiva, Laxmi, Parvati, and Muruga. Gandhi went to primary school. Gandhi was shy and didnt like playing with his classmates. Gandhi was the youngest child out of five one sister and three brothers. Gandhi was never a good student, yet he would never cheat. At the age of 7 Gandhi moved to anther town because Mr. Gandhi got a better job. In that town Gandhi got married at age of 13. During his teenage years he would eat meat with one of his Arab friend, to see if he like it this happened when he was in high school. He also smoked with his friend. Gandhi was ashamed of the things he did and was thinking of committing suicide but instead decided to stop. Gandhis father and first son died the same year. Gandhi blamed himself for their death because he ate meat. In 1887 Gandhi went to Bhangage to become a doctor but after 5 months of failing he went back to India where his uncle suggested that he go to study law in England. His brother paid for the expenses and Gandhi traveled far to find the eldest person in his family to ask if he could travel to England. Finally after a while they allowed him to go to England. Before Gandhi left, he went the to see his cast, they allowed it as well. The cast also asked him to leave, but before this could affect him he left for England. In England, Gandhi bought expensive suits and lived strictly on bread and vegetables, until by luck he found a vegetarian resta ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Managing Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing Change - Essay Example A ‘hard’ definition of HRM can also be derived that is it helps to maximize the economic benefit an organization gets from its human assets (Wilkinson, 2000). Currently one of the biggest challenges organizations are facing relate to a rapidly changing environment where global, technological and economic factors make it necessary to make decisions under uncertain conditions and adapt quickly in order to survive or maintain their competitive edge. Flexible organizations with a knowledgeable workforce are at an advantage in these conditions as any change initiated within an organization can only prove beneficial if it is widely accepted by the workforce. These changes may be technological in nature or allow for the modification of organization structure or the management, acquisitions, mergers, and other operational changes are increasing in trend. However, a survey done in 2010 indicated that for most corporations the changes made did not bring the desired results, with 6 2% measure somewhat successful and 24% having no change at all. (APQC, 2010) The reasons for the failure of these measures, is usually the inability of the top management to actively involve HR in the change management process. Employees who are not given complete information or training regarding the changing measures are often skeptical and hostile towards them as they may perceive them as threat to their position, daily routine, status in the organization or overall job security. These employees may be so resistance to change that they will not be able to adapt to the new conditions and even be outwardly hostile. For employees who don’t have a hostile attitude towards the change and disruption they may still have no receptivity towards it; without enthusiasm to embrace the new measures it is possible that the optimum level of benefits may never be utilized. The survey done indicates that employees who don’t understand the reasons behind the change and are still forc ed to adhere to the new rules and practices face a decline in engagement level of upto 71% with over a 43% increase in unwanted turnovers, which could lead to a prominent loss of productivity after the change is implemented. HRM practices can effectively work on transforming the negative attitudes of the employees. To support the change management there are two avenues for HR to take, firstly they can work on removing the hostility from the employees by assuring them that their fears and skepticism are unfounded by increasing their knowledge about the change being initiated through seminars, programs and training. â€Å"HR Professionals have to lead the change programme through a systematic drive of providing education, communication, facilitation and support to the employees, so that we may secure the involvement, participation and commitment of the complete workforce† (Lal, 2001) Lal, J. (2001). Managing Change through HR, Presidential Address. Delhi Business Review A well informed workforce will be more willing to admit why the change is necessary and management should make

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Agricutural extension Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Agricutural extension - Research Paper Example Agricultural extension refers to the acts of impacting critical agronomic techniques and skills to the rural farmers in a participatory manner, with a goal of improving the overall performance of farmers (White, 2012). The process of agricultural extension generally involves conveying of essential and practical information to the farmers. The data usually includes ways of using improved seeds, pesticides and fertilizer. Agricultural extension education started in the early 1800. Immediately after American Revolution, many agricultural societies began to operate. One of the main societies was formed by John Skinner, who encouraged American farmers to start reporting on their successes and methods they used to solve various problems they encountered in their daily farming activities. This served as a platform for many American farmers. They exchanged ideas on how to enhance their farming skills using the platform (White, 2012). In the early 1910, USA agricultural sector in collaboratio n with agricultural colleges started to provide agricultural extension services to the rural farmers. With the use of the free extension services, farmers were able to increase wheat production in the country by nearly 40 % (White, 2012). This helped America to contain the food shortage problem that came as a result of the world war one and two. During the famous severe depression, agricultural extension services, mainly concentrated on improving the farm management skills of individual farmers. They engaged in a programme of teaching farmers how to sell their products at favorable prices. They also offered women basic skills on how to ensure they obtain proper nutrition for each household (White, 2012). They offered free services to women on how to improve their home poultry production, house gardening and also carrying out food canning to avoid wastages Incase of surplus production. Traditional agricultural extension services concentrated more on improving production at the househ old level as opposed to the present extensions. The extension mainly dealt with production and marketing of agricultural products. With new rules and policy changes, extension education for the next twenty five years will be so much different with what was offered in the past. Instead of focusing on rural farmers only, the agricultural education extension will deal with more broad issues affecting peoples life’s both in urban and rural areas (Rice, 2012). With economic and environmental dynamics, the extension education will dwell on how to help individuals learn new methods of obtaining income through encouraging them to adopt auxiliary enterprises. The extension will focus on helping farmers to improve their marketing strategies, management skills and also efficiency (Rice, 2012). This will ensure that farmers are able to deliver effectively. The new extension services will also deal with training farmers on how to take care of health, safety and consumer issues of the agri cultural products. Customers are with age becoming more health alert. This calls for distribution of high quality and safe products. Farmers need to be taught how to produce safe agricultural products for their health safety and others. With this in mind, the new extension services will focus on teaching customers how to implement safe biofortification processes so as to ensure their products are safe for consumption (Rice, 2012). Critical issues Agricultural extension has continued to live in the process of change globally. With the support of international agencies, governments are struggling to avail both financial and structural reforms to ensure extension services are improved and accessible to the targeted farmers. With all this support from the government, the agricultural extension will be focusing on all the key issues affecting the daily health of the people of America and the nation future as a whole. It will intensively dwell on ways to; ensure healthy human population, public improvement and development of agricultural

Monday, November 18, 2019

Small Business Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Small Business Management - Assignment Example he proposed business is established, product and services improve in quality as the managers gain more experience in production and in some situations the original business concept and management change as entrepreneurs are hit by the reality on the ground (Films for the Humanities & Sciences (Firm), Films Media Group and Video Education Australasia, 2010, p.52). Small companies can avoid becoming obsolete by scanning the market and the threats by carrying out a clear and concise analysis of their business environment under the PEESTLE (Political, Environment, Economic, Social, Technology, Ethical and Legal factors) and SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) so as to establish the available opportunities and threats. With the above mentioned analysis, such businesses would realize their strengths and weaknesses hence able to employ effective strategies that would enable them focus on their strengths as they look for alternatives to cover up the loopholes (Sitarz, 2011, p.45). Technology based companies can only keep up with the rapidly changing markets, products and competitors by remaining updated with the current trends in the technology industry as well as ensuring that they are innovative enough so as to outdo their business rivals. This can be achieved by ensuring that they carry out regular business analysis and market research so as to establish the exact needs of their targeted customers (Sitarz, 2011, p.45). Moreover, they have to ensure that they have highly innovative and creative product development teams. Having the right strategy is the most crucial factor that determines success of any type of business. Raising resources becomes easier as long as a given business is applying the right business strategies, and at times is able to use other people’s money, an aspect that is highly encouraged by economists and business experts. Entrepreneurs usually experience the challenge of differentiating their companies from the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Independent investigation

Independent investigation Independent Investigation The Fugue vs. Traditional Eastern European Music A fugue can be defined as a polyphonic form in the Baroque era in which one or more themes are developed by imitative counterpoint.Similarly, traditional Eastern European folk music is solidly based on rules of strict imitation between voices. In order to show the similarities between the imitative forces in a fugue and traditional eastern European music and how the imitation within eastern European vocal music can be defined as the foundation of fugal writing, Benjamin Brittens The Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra(Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell)and Song of Schopsko(Erghen Diado) will be examined and analyzed for their musical content. Benjamin Britten lived from the years 1913 through 1976. In addition, Britten is considered to be apart of the British national school along with the composer Ralph Vaughan Williams. He is also said to be one of the foremost opera composers of his time. The Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra is a fugue based on a rondeau from 17th century composer Henry Purcells incidental music to the play Abdelezar. The Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra was composed in 1946. The purpose of this work is to introduce children to the orchestra by presenting each section and individual instrument of the orchestra. The orchestra is essentially taken apart in the variations and then reassembled during the fugue. The medium for this recording of the piece was the Los Angeles Baroque Orchestra. The piece begins with the statement of the theme presented by the entire orchestra creating a monophonic texture. This then transitions to strict imitation of the theme by the woodwinds, brass, strings percussi ons, and concludes with the full orchestra. The eight-measure theme is presented in D minor. Following the presentation of the theme, thirteen variations of the theme are heard starting with the woodwinds and then followed by the strings, brass, and percussion. Each instrument of the orchestra has its own solo; these solos begin with the highest pitched instrument of each family. Following the section of variations is the fugue. The subject is based on a fragment of the Purcell theme played in B minor. This is played in imitation by each instrument of the orchestra in same order as the variations. Dynamic contrast is heard throughout the piece through the use of crescendos and decrescendos. The overall tempo of the piece is allegro. However, the meter changes from triple-duple, to compound meter, and concludes in duple simple. Timbre shifts are also present as the different sections and different instruments are heard. In regards to style trills, glissandos, and pizzicato can be hea rd throughout the piece. The form of the piece is binary. Lastly the melody exhibits a wave-like contour and is mostly conjunct. Bulgarian Music is apart of the Balkan tradition, which stretches across southeastern Europe. Bulgarian vocals are said to be open-throated. Singers concentrate their voices in a way that gives the sound a distinctive edge, and allows theirs voices to travel over long distances.The distinctive sounds that are produced from women vocal choirs that sing Bulgarian folk music is based on their unique rhythms, harmony, and polyphony, for instance the use of close intervals like theminor second. These traits are especially common in music from the Shope region around the Bulgarian capital of Sofia and the Pirin region.Although it uses Western meters such as duple simple, triple simple, and quadruple simple, Balkan music also includes meters with five, seven, eleven and even fifteen beats per measure, sometimes referred to as asymmetric meters.These can often be understood as combinations of groups of quick and slow beats. For example, the dancelesnoto(the light/easy one) has a meter of sev en beats with emphasis on the first, fourth, and sixth beats.This can be divided into three groups, a slow unit of three beats and two quick units of two beats, often written 3-2-2.Song of Schopsko is a choral work that is performed by the Bulgarian State Radio Television Female Vocal Choir. This piece is a tradition Bulgarian folk song. The publishing of this piece along with the entire album, Le Mystà ¨re des Voix Bulgares, came from the support of Swiss ethnomusicologist Marcel Cellier. Song of Schopsko is largely based on strict imitation between the alto and soprano voices. The form of the piece is through composed. Within the piece tertial harmony can be heard between the two sets of voices. The melody is singable with a medium to wide range and also has a wave-like contour. There is dynamic contrast heard through the use of crescendos and decrescendos. The melody climaxes on high notes and is mostly conjunct with some disjunct leaps. The meter is triple simple with a steady andante tempo. In regards to harmony the key is major with no modulations. There are also even four-bar phrases. In Benjamin Brittens Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra the imitation begins with the presentation of the Purcell theme. Theme A is played by the orchestra in its entirety. Theme A is then presented in the woodwinds in imitation of the original melody. Theme B is given to Brass is differently harmonized than Theme A. However, Theme B is also presented in imitation among the various instruments of the brass section. Theme Cis played by the strings (including the harp), the Purcell melody moves down the instruments from the 1st violins and concludes with the double basses.Theme Dfeatures the percussion, with the timpani playing the pitched parts of the Purcell theme, while the rest of the percussions simultaneously present the rhythm of the melody. Finally, we come toTheme G, which is an exact repetition ofTheme A, using the full orchestra. The Purcell theme is played six times, with different instruments and varied keys to create variety and present different timbres. This use of di fferent timbres was one of Benjamin Brittens ideas. These shifts in timbre keep the listener engrossed in the music. Fugal parts include the subject, answer, countersubject, exposition, episodes, and are then followed by contrapuntal devices. Through strict rules of imitation all of this is made possible. In Benjamin Brittens The Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra the fugal subject, main theme of the fugue, is presented first by the piccolo. The subject is in an Allegro molto tempo, B minor, and is 8 bars long. Following the subject is the answer performed the remaining instruments of the orchestra in the same order as the variations- from highest ranging instruments to lowest from the woodwinds, strings, brass, and concludes with the percussion. The subject has a descending sequence similar to the original Purcell theme. In addition, Song of Schopsko follows fugal rules through the use of imitation. What could be said to be a subject is presented in the lead altos voice; which is then followed by answer to the subject in strict imitation by the remaining members of the Bulgarian State Radio Tel evision Female Vocal Choir. The piccolo part that is presented at the ninth bar of the fugue is presented enough to be considered the counter-subject. The playing of this original melody is the countersubject, which is played in response and at the same time as the imitation occurring in the answer. After this has been performed the exposition of the piece has come to a conclusion In Song of Schopsko, the countersubject is presented again by the lead tenor vocalist who sings the counter subject. The counter subject is presented while the remaining voices of the choir continue the strict imitation of the theme. The simultaneous presentation of the counter-subject and the answer produce a contrapuntal or polyphonic texture within the piece. After the subject is introduced by the tenor, answer presented by the remaining voices of the choir, and counter-subject by the lead tenor vocalist are presented the exposition of Song of Schopsko has concluded. After the exposition has come to a finish various episodes are presented in both pieces. In Benjamin Brittens Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra the full orchestra presents the fugue while the entire brass section re-introduces Purcells theme from the rondeau from Abdelezar. Again the simultaneous presentation of these two elements produces a polyphonic texture with serves as the contrapuntal device within this piece of composition. Within Song of Schopska, 4 different episodes can be heard. As the lead alto vocalist begins each phrase the rest of the choir joins in with the same melody in strict imitation. All of these episodes are presented in the same manor as the first and remain in a major key. This piece is very responsorial, but these responses are imitative of the subject produced by the lead singer. At the grand coda of Benjamin Brittens Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra, the Purcell theme and fugue are presented together. Also when the final cadence is reached at the t empo animato, the percussion section continues on for nine more measures and this continuation serves as a cadential extension. The variations within Benjamin Brittens Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra, not considered to be apart of the actual fugal element of the piece, present some of the contrapuntal devices that a fugue has. The flute variation is the Purcell theme presented in diminution and this variation is accompanied by the piccolo. Throughout the flute variation imitation occurs between the 1st and 2nd flute. In the bassoon variation presents the Purcell theme in a dotted rhythmic form. The violin variation is based on opening chords sweeping over a wide range of the violins, with the use off triple stopping. Imitation also occurs here, between the 1st and 2nd violins.Lastly within the section of brass variations is the tuba and trombone variation. The opening trombone parts are based on the Purcell theme, with the notes rearranged. Song of Schopskoand The Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra imitative compositional styles are strikingly similar. Despite Song of Schopskobeing a traditional Bulgarian choral work the imitation that occurs within the piece can be compared to the imitative features of the components of the fugue. As stated earlier, the concepts of a subject, answer, countersubject and an episode can be loosely found within Song of Schopsko even though it is not a fugue. The reason for these similarities is because of the imitation that occurs in traditional eastern European music. Their rich culture in regards music has not been super-imposed and can still be found and Song of Schopsko is a perfect example. Connections can be drawn between the similarities between the eastern European choral music and the fugue of the western European culture. With the rich tradition of eastern European music that developed throughout the centuries, it can be seen that their musical influences shaped how the fugue is presented. The continuous imitation that occurs is a major component of how the fugue is set up from the entry of the subject to the answer and the countless episodes that take place within each work of art. Song of Schopsko is just one piece of eastern European music that presents the imitation between voices. The fugue in the Middle Ages referred to any canon style music but by the Renaissance it was shifted to specifically denote imitative works. Johann Sebastian Bach is said to have taken the fugue to its pinnacle saying to have shaped his works after Johann Jakob Froberger,Johann Pachelbel, GirolamoFrescobaldi, and DieterichBuxtehude. Dietrich Buxtehude is said to have had lasting impa ct on the works of Bach. Buxtehude himself was born in Sweden so his musical works were influenced by his upbringing in Eastern Europe. Due to influences of Bach and his predecessors it can be easily seen how the fugue was drawn from eastern European music and was then developed into the way it is seen today.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Damage to the Hypothalamus Essay -- Neurology Brain Disorders Papers

â€Å"The hypothalamus is a small area near the base of the brain just ventral to the thalamus† (Kalat 90). It makes up about 1/300 total brain weight in humans, and it is about the size of an almond ( Since the hypothalamus is attached to the pituitary gland, which is considered the â€Å"master gland,† the hypothalamus is the structure which actually has master control over promoting or inhibiting hormone release, affecting many glands (Kalat 327). The main function of the hypothalamus is to regulate homeostasis, but its wide range of control affects the generation of behaviors involved in eating, drinking, temperature regulation, sexual behavior, copulation, maternal behavior, general arousal, activity level, the sleep- wake cycle, and emotional regulation of rage, aggression, embarrassment, escape from danger in â€Å"fight or flight† responses, and pleasure ( When the hypothalamus is damaged, specific behavior changes occur dependent on the lesion location on the hypothalamus. The affects of such behavior changes can affect a person’s life to such a degree that a social worker is needed for emotional, informational, familial, economic, and environmental support ( The hypothalamus controls the pituitary, which consists of two major glands: anterior pituitary and the posterior pituitary (which can be considered an extension of the hypothalamus). The hypothalamus synthesizes the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin, which are transported to their terminals in the posterior pituitary, and then released in the blood (Kalat 327). Oxytocin controls uterine contractions, milk release, certain aspects of parental behavior, and... Cancer Institute: Social work’s contribution to research on cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment and surviviorship. Washington, D.C. Kalat, J.W. (2004). Biological Psychology. Canada: Wadsworth, Thomson Learning Inc. Taking Time: Support For People With Cancer and the People Who Care About Them (2001). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health: National Cancer Institute. Taylor, S.E., Falke, R.L., Shoptaw, S.J., Steven, J., & Lichtman, R.R. (1986). Social support, support groups, and the cancer patient. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54(5), 608-615.